Date: Dec 2, 2019 (Happy Birthday Chris)
Time: 1700
Location: Berwick
city dock (ICW mile 96)
Weather: Great, high of 65 degrees, clear
Sea State: ICW
Destination: Houma Tomorrow
Engine Hours: 1247
Crew: Art
We made if further than this poor guy. |
We took
on 17.6 gallons of diesel and topped off the water tanks before leaving Shell
Morgan (N. Mile 160) at 1845.
The cost was $25 for overnight docking and
diesel $2.28/gallon.
I was told the
water was 3 feet below normal.
The wind
gusted to 20 knots and the tide was against us most of the way to Berwick.
We averaged only about 5.5 knots.
I knew there were eagles during this stretch
but I didn’t realize how many.
We saw
about 7 during this 56 nautical mile stretch (64 statute miles).
This is really a beautiful stretch of
We crossed the Cote Blanche Island
Cable Ferry.
I didn’t know they were
still in existence.
I thought the name
was interesting – Tripper III.
intended docking was Morgan City on the Atchafalaya River, but we grounded
twice trying to get in, in 4.5 feet of water, so we went across the river to
the west bank and found 11 feet of water at the Berwick city dock.
Art was treated to some PAYC championship
chili; the same recipe which Captain Greg won with in 2017.
(Sorry ladies, I just have to take a little jab).
After dinner we blew out the sink drain with
the shop vac and emptied the trash.
major maintenance items but I have started a list of minor items.
Houma tomorrow, God willing.
Great job!