The PAYC 18 mile light race/cruise, scheduled for this past weekend, was
canceled because of wind and current conditions. I was really disappointed because it’s been a
few years since the club actually completed this race and even more since I made the
trip. In fact, I last made that trip with my brother Art on his Catalina and don’t even remember if it was in this millennium. Regardless,
it’s always nice to get offshore into the Gulf.
Lighthouse Preserved
The 18 mile light, as we call it, officially
named the Sabine Bank Lighthouse was built in 1903, to direct ships through the shallow Sabine
Bank. It is my understanding that very
little of its structure still stands offshore; however, parts of it can still
be found in the area. For instance, the
original third-order Fresnel lens, manufactured in Paris can be seen at the
museum of the Gulf Coast (
in Port Arthur. Also, the top section of
the lighthouse tower and the lantern room (pictured left) have been refurbished and can be seen
at Lions Park in Sabine Pass, Texas.