Pura Vida is a 36 foot Beneteau sailing vessel currently in port awaiting it's next cruise.
Thursday, February 27, 2020
Lesson Learned
I left Port Arthur on November 29th with
The new solar panel
every imaginable spare part, including an alternator, starter, all engine parts and even a spare transmission, and 300 watts of solar power. I seriously considered adding a fourth panel but didn't because the three 100 watt panels powered the 12 volt needs of Pura Vida for the last couple of years never utilizing shore power to charge the batteries. Over that time span the 12 volt refrigerator ran continuously as well as the utilization of other 12 volt equipment and items such as lights, fans, phones, instruments and tablets. Therefore, I assumed 300 watts of 12 volt electricity was plenty. When we left we added a 12 volt Engle portable refrigerator to the mix, which draws only 2.3 amps which I estimated runs for only about 10 hours per day. My calculations were only slightly off but with shortened winter days and a lesser sun angle the power needs were lacking. So, on February 9, one day after arriving in George Town, I made arrangements through the local courier Doe Boi and ordered another 100 watt solar panel. I expected to wait as long as one week to receive the new panel. Well after a one-day delay from Amazon which caused a one-week delay of delivery from Florida to George Town which turned into two weeks because the small transport plane used by Reggie Express was having engine problems, and a few malfunctions by Doe Boi's courier services I finally received the panels. So my 1 day Amazon free delivery turned into 16 days. Oh, and the $178 solar panel cost me an extra $125 due to Bahamian duties and transport fees. So, lesson learned, if you think you might need it, bring it with you.
We awoke this morning to sounds
Three years ago
of the pitter patter of rain on deck. This is the first time it has rained where the wind was not also blowing to extreme. I considered deploying my homemade rain catching device; however, it is not fully complete, it is 0611 and a bit of laziness has overtaken me this morning. Ruth was up soon after as I had to crank the engine due to low voltage. Solar panels don't seem to work when it is raining. Ruth heard that the mail boat had arrived with fresh vegetables so we dinked into town to secure vegetables and other edibles. Ruth took our cash and entered into the Exuma Market leaving me to fill the jerry cans with water.
Later we met Don and Carol at Fish Fry, at 1300. I assumed Fish Fry would have fried fish however I was wrong or at least I never found any. Fish Fry is actually an area with several small huts which serves a variety of food types. I had barbecued ribs and Ruth had curry chicken. Each came with three sides and was very good. Later we went to the Chat 'n Chill and met with several Texans
Bryce's signature
including Darrell and Ann. They are shoving off in the morning for Long Island then destinations south. We also took a picture of a shirt that Bryce signed at Chat 'n Chill three years ago on his honeymoon. We are looking forward to their visit in a few days. To my one faithful blog follower. Mom, I know my picture taking has become lame. I'll try to do better.
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