Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Where and What?

So where is Pura Vida and what do we do with her?....

Ruth and I spend most weekends, holidays and vacations aboard Pura Vida (PV).  In fact, approximately 47 or 48 weekends per year, the week of Thanksgiving, most of our two weeks we are off during Christmas and usually a couple weeks each summer are spent aboard.  When I say aboard, I mean we sleep on the boat, sometimes in our slip or anchored out or cruising to various anchorages or marinas.   When at home, we usually sail at least once per weekend.

As previously mentioned, PV is birthed at Pleasure Island Marina, on Pleasure Island, which is part of Port Arthur Texas.  The marina is located on Sabine Lake, which is a salt water estuary on the Texas-Louisiana border which feeds into the Gulf of Mexico.  The best part of the marina is the Port Arthur Yacht Club (see, because of the wonderful people.  We’ve been members since 2008.  The PAYC is a very social club advocating sailing and one-design racing, and promoting junior sailing, including a yearly junior sailing camp, sponsoring a Sea Scout group and the Lamar University sailing club.

Some of our favorite cruises include anchoring off Louisiana’s shore at Garrison’s Ridge and anchoring just off Moody Gardens, in Galveston.  We also enjoy cruising to Shell Island, where we often anchor with a group and make our way to Peggy’s restaurant on Cow Bayou. 

So there you have it.  An introduction to where we are and what we do.  More to come……

Pura Vida anchored off Moody Gardens, Galveston.

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