Sunday, January 26, 2020

Walderick Wells - Exumas Land and Sea Park

Date:     Jan 24-25, 2020 
Arrival Time:  0145          
Location:  Warderick Wells - Exumas Land and Sea Park
Weather:  Intermittent rain        
Sea State:  2-3 ft chop
Total Engine Hours:  1471                                                             
Crew:  Ruth and Greg    
Mileage Log:  1318

Comments:  After morning rain showers we pulled up anchor at 0745 and left Norman’s Cay after
Sperm Whale skeleton at Walderick Wells
Boo Boo Hill
squatting for 4 days.  Our destination was Warderick Wells which is the central location of the Exuma Land and Sea Park.  We pulled into the Emerald Rock mooring field around 1330, dropped the dinghy and putted to the park office and paid for 2 nights.  The park is one of those places that YouTubers cover thoroughly.  We hiked past the sperm whale skeleton and up to Boo Boo Hill.  We left our little Pura Vida sign on the sign pile with the huge collection left by sailors before us. We checked out the famous blow holes but being low tide they weren’t blowing much.  With rain approaching we made our way back to the dinghy and Pura Vida to watch the sunset off our back porch.  Our mooring field faces an island with beautiful white beaches strewn throughout and secluded islands as far as the eye can see.

The Great Wall of Walderick Wells
Saturday brought another day of exploring, snorkeling and some boat work.  We left Pura Vida via dinghy around 0900 to visit the nearby Davis Ruins.  What remains of the ruins is a few rectangular man made rock formations a few feet tall.  Along the hike I was most impressed with a rock wall that dissects the entire island east to west.  It is a piled rock structure standing about 4 feet tall and must have taken years to complete.  On our dinghy journey toward the ruins I circled the boat a few times, as I always do, to give it a good look over.  I noticed the jib had a piece of material extruding abnormally.  When we returned we unfurled the jib and realized the leach had some separation.   We pulled it down, pulled out the Sailrite and sewed for the next couple hours.  I guess it’s all a part of cruising.  Once all was back in order, we dinghied over to Emerald Rock and snorkeled a couple coral heads.  From there we went south and walked a few untouched islands.
What a beautiful place. 

Tomorrow we sail south toward Black Point Settlement, on Great Guana Cay, to provision and wash clothes. 

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